Terms and Conditions

These general terms and conditions apply, without any restriction or reservation, to sales made by the company GRUPO LOGÍSTICO ATLÁNTICO, SL, with NIF B94194958, address at Camiño Novo Mar, Nº1 office 1E, Chapela, Redondela, CP 36320 Pontevedra, SPAIN registered in the PONTEVEDRA Mercantile Registry, volume 4300, folio 30, 1st entry, page PO65787, to customers who purchase the products offered for sale through the website.

The sales held are distance sales regulated by current Spanish legislation on the matter.

These general conditions of sale are accessible at all times from the website and will prevail over any other document with which they contradict, without prejudice to current legislation.

The validation of the order by the customer implies the unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of sale. If these general conditions of sale are modified, they will be binding for all purchases made after their publication on the website.

Customer registration

To place the order it is necessary for the user, previously or during the order, to register as a customer, for which they will be taken to a page to fill in all the information necessary to open an account if it is the first order , or to identify yourself if you already have an account.

The information required to open an account is: first name, last name, e-mail address (username) and password. And acceptance of the Privacy Policy and Conditions of use.

By placing an order on this website, you guarantee that you are over 18 years of age and that you have the legal capacity to enter into binding contracts.


All products are new, and are presented in their original packaging or seal.

The color of all products can be seen in the product image. Due to the color display on the monitor and depending on its settings, there may be color variations with respect to reality. We will not be able to accept exchanges or returns because the color is not exactly the same as expected.


The prices are expressed in dollars, but compensated in favor of the company in euros according to the international exchange rate of the moment, the shipping costs will be reflected according to the destination and delivery method. The exposed prices may be reviewed and modified if the conditions require it at any time. The products are available for sale while stocks last or under the limitations of the corresponding customs regulations.

The products are served according to the rates in force on the website at the time of order registration.

Payment methods accepted

Credit or debit card

You can pay with your VISA and Master Card brands.

We guarantee that each of the transactions carried out is 100% secure. All operations that involve the transmission of personal or banking data are carried out using a secure environment (payment gateways).

The store uses a server based on standard security technology SSL (Secure Socked Layer). All the information that you transmit to us travels encrypted through the network. Likewise, the data on your credit card are not registered in any database but go directly to the POS (Bank’s Point of Sale Terminal). We use a service provider to collect and process your payment information, which is duly certified under international standards and endorsed by the credit card brands described above.

When paying with a card, the following information will always be requested: Name of the holder, the card number, the expiration date, and a Validation Code that matches the last 3 digits of the number printed in italics on the back of your card, offering, in this way, more guarantees about the security of the transaction. Acceptance of the Privacy Policy and Conditions of use is essential.

Information about 3D Secure

Verified by Visa ’and‘ Mastercard Secure code ’are systems that banks use to fight fraud in electronic purchases. They receive the collective name of ‘3d Secure’. We fight fraud and use these systems, just like a large number of other businesses. To verify YOUR transaction, you will be asked to enter your 3d Secure password. If you don’t have one, you will need to register on your bank’s website as part of the purchase process. If you have problems with this record, please contact your bank directly. If you have not done so yet, you will need to register for ‘Verified by Visa’ and ‘Mastercard Securecode’ with your bank. You can sign up by visiting your bank’s website or simply by making an electronic purchase. In this case, you will be automatically redirected to your bank’s website where you can complete the registration process. When you have registered, as long as you buy online at any store that shows

The ‘Verified by Visa’ and ‘Mastercard Securecode’ logos will be added one more step to the purchase process. You will have to enter your password on your bank’s website and then you can continue with your purchase.

Important: If the order, once confirmed and sent, is not accepted by the client, he will have to bear the expenses incurred. You will receive an invoice or proof of purchase by post and / or email. All false orders, or attempts at fraud, will be reported to the competent authorities. All necessary information will be provided to assist with the investigation.

Conditions for shipping European Union (EU)

The following conditions will apply: Shipping costs will have a variable cost and will be reported in the purchase process.

Accepted payment methods: Credit or debit card of VISA brands, and Master Card.

In this case, the costs of customs procedures and taxes in each country are not included in the cost of shipping and will be borne by the customer. IMPORTANT: It is necessary to include the DNI, NIF or NIE number of the person placing the order, since it is essential to make the shipment.


The guarantees of the products are those established by the manufacturers. In case of failure, you should contact us through the contact section of our website so that we have proof of the defective product, authorize its return and tell you the steps to follow.

In general and unless otherwise indicated, the warranty for the case of sale of defective products is 2 years, in accordance with the conditions set out in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 that approves the Consumed Text of the Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users.

For this guarantee to operate, it is necessary that the product has a defect of origin and that the client keeps the purchase invoice of the product.

Shipments will always be prepaid and by agency or certified mail.

The guarantee only covers defects of origin, in accordance with current legislation.

That is to say, the deterioration of the product due to its habitual use is excluded, as well as breakage or wear due to improper use, which in any case will be the responsibility of the customer.

Product returns and exchanges; Right of withdrawal

Wrong product: If the product delivered does not match the one requested in the order, you must notify us immediately. Contact us through the contact section of our website and we will process your incident as soon as possible.

Even so, the Client has the right to terminate / desist from the contract, without indicating the reasons, within a period of 14 calendar days from receipt (rescission / withdrawal period) provided that they keep their original packaging intact, unused, without scratches or packaging. broken or damaged and including all the documentation that accompanies the product, as well as its accessories. The withdrawal period expires after 14 calendar days from the date on which the Customer or a third party (other than the carrier and that the Customer has designated) receives the merchandise.

To exercise the right of termination / withdrawal, the Client is obliged to notify the company about his decision to terminate the contract through an explicit statement (for example, a letter sent by mail, fax or email). To respect the termination period, it is sufficient for the Client to send the communication regarding the exercise of the right before the end of the termination period of 14 calendar days.

The refund will be made using the same form of payment used by the Client in the initial transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise; In any case, the Client will not have to bear any cost as a result of said reimbursement. The refund may be suspended until the merchandise is received or until proof is received from the consumer that the merchandise has been reshipped, if done earlier. Therefore, the client must carry out a correct packaging that ensures its transport without damage. Once received and verified by our staff that the product is in the same state in which it was sent, the amount of the item will be reimbursed. If the return of your order is for reasons other than: defects in the items, incomplete shipping or incorrect shipping, we will not be responsible for the costs of the return.

In any case, the Client will not be able to exercise the right of rescission / withdrawal in the case of sealed goods that:

It cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or related to health protection
Or that they have been opened and used after delivery, as long as the reason is not a manufacturing defect.
Returns will not be accepted on products or on products manufactured at the customer’s request, except for manufacturing defects.

To accept the return of a product:
It must be sent in its original packaging;
It must be in perfect condition;
Without having been used;
And accompanied by all its accessories and documents.
In the event that the client has met all the requirements set forth herein, GRUPO LOGÍSTICO ATLÁNTICO, S.L. undertakes to reimburse the customer for the price of the returned product within thirty (30) days from receipt of the product in question. The refund can be made by depositing the credit card. The customer is informed that the return costs will be paid by him, under the conditions set forth above.

Shipping conditions to Cuba.

Shipping methods to Cuba, delivery times and order confirmation.

Shipments are processed from Monday to Friday, except holidays and / or vacation periods.

The amount of shipping costs are included in the price breakdown per product, depending on the destination and the selected shipping method, whether Air or Sea.

To know exactly what your order will cost, select the products you want to purchase, select the shipping method and choose the payment method. The total amount of your purchase including shipping costs will appear fully detailed. At that time you can decide whether or not to continue with the purchase process. To continue with your order you must click “Confirm Order”.

The shipping methods, as well as the delivery time, are made according to the chosen modality:

Maritime modality

Grupo Logístico Atlántico S.R.L., manages the transport and dispatch of merchandise with third-party companies, which have international Courier certifications and / or Non-Commercial Cargo Consolidation. In the case of this destination, they have monthly ship departure schedules whose origin is from the Colon Free Zone, of the Republic of Panama and destination to the port of Mariel, Cuba.

From the moment the ship leaves the port of origin, which is announced at the top of the website, until its transit to its final destination, it ranges from approximately 10 to 15 days. You will be able to easily follow up on said information in the “Orders” section of your account and verify the updates of your status regarding the departure, transit and arrival of merchandise in the port of Mariel.

Subsequently, the logistics chain is completed with the effective dispatch of your order at destination, which are carried out by the freight forwarders and customs agencies, Palco or Transcargo, according to the most efficient and immediate maritime availability.

Upon the effective departure of the ship, the “Status” of your Order will be updated and you will effectively observe which agency will be managing your dispatch.

You can pick up your shipment at the respective storage centers and offices. For easy reference, we detail the addresses below: Transcargo. Address: Avenida del Puerto y Línea del Ferrocarril, Regla, La Habana. Telephone: +53 7794-5937. Palco Agency Address: Calle 150 e / n 21 a y 25 Reparto Cubanacan, in the dispatch area Telephone: (+53) 72084329.

Maritime delivery times

Regarding the delivery times of your merchandise after arrival at the port; Due to the fact that the efficiency and effectiveness of this management depends on third parties, Grupo Logístico Atlántico SRL, and its sales agents will be able to detail approximate delivery dates according to the information that is handled at the time, regarding the amount of logistics cargo in the storage centers of the freight forwarding agencies referred to above. The approximate dates given constitute a simple reference which will not have effects of obligation between the parties and of any responsibility. For the reasons stated, Grupo Logistico Atlantico S.R.L. exempted from liability due to delays in the dispatch of your merchandise.

As an approximate reference, delivery times after arrival at the destination port, range from 6 weeks to 10 weeks, and may vary according to international and Cuban logistics conditions.

Air modality

Grupo Logístico Atlántico S.L., manages the transport and dispatch of merchandise with third-party companies, which have certifications of International Courier and / or Non-Commercial Cargo Consolidation. In the case of this destination, they have monthly air departure schedules, which are announced at the top of the page, whose origin is from the Tocumen International Airport, of the Republic of Panama, to the Jose Martí Airport of the Havana Cuba.

By choosing this modality, you will be managing the dispatch of your order at destination, the Correos Messaging Company at destination; By providing us with the recipient’s data, the delivery will be coordinated for the storage center of the respective municipality and, otherwise, the center of the province.

From your account you can easily follow up in the “status” section of your order to see where your packages are actually located.

Air delivery times

Regarding the delivery times of your merchandise after arrival at the airport; Because the efficiency and effectiveness of such management depends on third parties, Grupo Logístico Atlántico SRL, and its sales agents will be able to detail approximate delivery dates according to the information that is handled at the time, regarding the amount of logistics cargo in the storage center of the Correos Messaging Company. The approximate dates given constitute a simple reference which will not have effects of obligation between the parties and of any responsibility. Therefore, Grupo Logistico Atlantico S.R.L. exempted from liability due to delays in the dispatch of your merchandise.

As an approximate reference, delivery times after arrival at the destination airport range from 4 weeks to 8 weeks, they may vary according to international and Cuban logistics conditions.

Conditions that apply to both modalities

The tariffs and expenses incurred for the removal of the merchandise in third-party warehouses at destination are paid by the customer.

GRUPO LOGÍSTICO ATLÁNTICO, S.L. In this destination, it does not assume any responsibility when any of the following situations occurs:

a) Defective and / or abnormal operation of the products purchased.
b) Guarantee, repair, compensation, replacement.
c) seizures
IMPORTANT: It is necessary to include the full name of the person, identity card, DNI, or equivalent document, nationality, landlines, mobile phone, address, province, municipality and email of the person who withdraws the order, since it is essential to make the shipment.

Clients agree that:

They are the senders of the merchandise and certify that all the products in the order constitute a gift or order for the recipient and final beneficiary.
They certify that all products in the order are not intended for commercial profit and it is a final sale.
They certify that the recipient and final beneficiary is not a person sanctioned by the government of the United States of America
They are the owner of the means of payment used for the purchase.


Grupo Logistico Atlántico, S.L., acts as a facilitator for the sale of the products it offers; It has reliable suppliers and commercial factories, however it does not influence the manufacture of goods and does not have control over their production. For this reason, it does not offer guarantees on the products sold and is exempt from any liability arising from them.

Product returns and exchanges; Right of withdrawal

Returns do not apply.

Intellectual property

The content of this website www.olododo.com is owned by GRUPO LOGÍSTICO ATLÁNTICO, S.L. and it is protected by Spanish and international legislation on intellectual property.

Any partial or total reproduction is expressly prohibited and could constitute a civil and criminal offense.

GRUPO LOGÍSTICO ATLÁNTICO, S.L. owns all intellectual property rights over studies, designs, models and prototypes made to provide customer service that may appear on the web. The client is prohibited from all reproduction and exploitation of the aforementioned studies, designs, models and prototypes without prior, express and written authorization from GRUPO LOGÍSTICO ATLÁNTICO, S.L., who may condition said authorization to obtaining an economic compensation.


The client is informed that any controversy will be resolved in the first instance, exhausting the means of understanding between the parties in a friendly manner and compensating the damages caused without the intervention of third parties; If this is not the previous case and said route has been exhausted, in a second instance the client is informed that any controversy or litigation to which this contract may give rise may be resolved may be resolved in the corresponding Spanish Courts and Tribunals.

Applicable legislation

The applicable legislation will be the one in force in Spain or, failing that, in the European Union.

Personal data protection:

The provisions of the PRIVACY POLICY section will be followed


You can contact us from the CONTACT section or send an email to info@olododo.com.